Wait for me

I miss you tonight.

I’m sipping some hot milk reading your last text ,,I miss you”.

I miss you too.

I miss your smile, I miss your arms and damn it, I miss those lips.

I wish you were here. You’d probably have one of those ciders that you liked while making fun of me for drinking hot milk. You’d notice that I’m getting upset and you’d lean in to kiss me on my forehead. I’d forgive you right ahead for everything that you said or could say in the future.

Now and then, I keep getting flashbacks from our moments together. The first time that you kissed me, I remember that you asked for my permission and I nodded, our first date together, on the beach while watching the stars and talking about the future, our first anniversary and our first trip out of the town. We wondered around the city all day long and danced all night long. I know you hated dancing but you still did your best to make me happy. I loved you for that.

I loved you for you. I loved you when you made me laugh, angry or even sad. I knew you were sad too.

We both felt the same for each other. There was no need of ,,I love you’s” because we both knew that we’re soulmates.

You know, I lied. There is one thing I could never forgive you for. For leaving me without notice, without saying goodbye and without me knowing that those days were actually our last.

I want you to know that I’ll love you forever, wait for me, I’ll join you soon. I’d trade my whole life for just one day with you.



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